>> Sustainable Growth
SABUY Technology and our associated companies consider transparency and verifiable performance as the crucial principles of business, along with an enthusiasm to develop economic, social and environmental balances. Our actions are based on the idea to be a good corporate citizen with sustainable business practices leading to constant and potent growth, as well as righteous and respectable recognition. We also recognize worthwhile benefits and yields for our shareholders without neglecting any effects upon related parties. As mentioned above, this vision initiates SABUY’s direction and policy to cover corporate social responsibility.
Message from Chief Executive Officer
I built up the SABUY Ecosystem to facilitate and secure customers’ buying process and payment. These beneficial factors also depend on triangular balance between economy, society and environment for sustainable development. Our actions are based on a thoughtful and responsible mind for all related business parties, and a hearty aspiration to solidly grow together for a sustainable growth.
Mr. Wirach Morakotkarn
CEO of SABUY Technology Public Company Limited
CEO of SABUY Technology Public Company Limited
SABUY manages our operations with CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy to follow our vision.
SABUY Technology and associated companies stated, as code of conduct, the responsibility toward every related party, including shareholders, employees, customers, partners, communities, as well as environments. SABUY supports free and fair trades and prevents any performances which could cause business conflicts, intellectual property infringements or fraudulent conducts:

Business operations.
SABUY and our associated companies keenly hold honest, uprightness, transparency and verifiable business operations in every single step. We always aim for the most beneficial profits and avantages to our shareholders, partners, employees and other parties. Along with that we allocate a fair and reasonable return.

Supervision on infringement.
SABUY and all our associated companies never support any kinds of infringement. Our committee, directors and employees strictly follow law, codes and regulations of intellectual property, and never support any violations against protection for intellectual property.

Optimal resource utilization.
We encourage our organizations to positively optimize all resources, and build awareness of the most effective utilization so that benefits from our actions can reach the largest proportion of people as possible.

Legal upholding
SABUY and our associated companies understand well the importance of laws and codes of conducts on occupational health and safety measurement toward local, regional and national environments. Our committee, directors, managers and employees must follow practical regulations by which neither legal violations nor illicit support are acceptable.

Corporate Social Responsibilities
Our CSR policies are based on helpful and constructive conducts for positive awareness and social responsibility. We focus on every aspect: sport, health, medical care, environment, etc.
SABUY and our associated companies strongly support and defend human rights. We recognize the dignity of all human beings, respect equality and freedom without discriminating against races, religions, languages, genders, ages, education, physical disabilities, and social status.
We strictly supervise our businesses to prevent any direct and indirect violations, such as forced labour, child labour, sexual harassment. Moreover, we open channels for opinions and comments from all employees in order to improve our operations and avoid some conflicts from human right violation.
For the effective understanding and successful implementation, all personnels in SABUY and our associated companies are regularly informed and educated by licensed experts.

SABUY and our associated companies understand well the importance of human resources and fair labour practices, which have been contributing to companies’ sustainable values and growing competitiveness.
We respectfully follow human right standards and national labour law. SABUY commits a fair process and condition for recruitment, as well as compensates all employees with reasonable wages and/or encourages their positive progress with bonuses. Those rates are assessed by fair and reasonable evaluations.
Furthermore, the companies arrange some development programs to improve our human resources in many aspects including up-to-date knowledge and personality enhancement. SABUY also provides welfare and benefits, such as the social security – minimal ones regarding labour law – and the health and accident insurance, employee’s loan – additional ones supported by companies. Our employees in every level have got yearly health check-ups related to personal age, gender and risks in work conditions

SABUY and associated companies treat all customers and consumers with reasonable and fair approaches. We neither reveal business details without permission, nor exploit them for any benefits. Meanwhile, SABUY openly publishes our business news and necessary information. SABUY accepts comments and recommendations from all customers in order to promptly respond to their requests related to business contract and condition. And the companies regularly inform all customers beforehand in case of any inconvenient conditions so that every party can find a fair measurement and prevent any inappropriate or conflictual consequences.
Our key strategy is to satisfy all customers and consumers with our best products and services by following decent measurements on safety and technology adaptation. Our business actions particularly rely on market mechanisms to keep competitiveness proficiency corresponding to global standards. All products were designed to answer specific pain points. For example, our top-up machines in every community are designed to help people to spend less time and less resources to reach some products, and not to encounter tiny human errors in various steps from the previous process. And our vending machines are easy to reach, even in some private sectors such as factories and offices.

SABUY and associated companies give priority to environmental protection and conservation, along with optimal resource usages and concerned about superfluous misusage and negative effects on health and environment, we launched an environmental protection policy, organized CSR activities as a grateful return to environments and communities we work with, as well as educated all employees with environmentally friendly culture.
SABUY and associated companies support a new culture of internal and collaborative working process by encouraging new methods of working and thinking, as to reach an objective to optimize productions and values. This culture, openly released to the public, aims for positive change for all parties.
SABUY and associated companies support a new culture of internal and collaborative working process by encouraging new methods of working and thinking, as to reach an objective to optimize productions and values. This culture, openly released to the public, aims for positive change for all parties.